"The Eagle Flies Alone"

"The Eagle Flies Alone"
Seorang pemimpin memang selalu sendiri, karena dia berada di puncak ...

let your ego go away, and please say goodbye

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yesterday, exactly on tuesday night i went to the house of a friend. as usual like other friendships we tell each other and share until late at night, many are we talking about, and one of the things we talked about is about ego... yes ego!
everyone, young and old, male and female, rich and poor and everyone else in this world must have an ego, big egos in his brain, in his heart. and if you guys know about anything? that is the worst thing is in every person, the ego is enemy, ego is the devil, ego is the moss and sand that can bring you down and make you slip.

yes, yes.. indeed it feels like that's ego, too many people and too much desire to control it, which then will make us proud, arrogant and stubborn.
"we have no higher and larger than the tree, so why should we too have egos and be arrogant?!", that's a word that came out of simple self a friend, who did have a point.
so far, we always let our egos grow and master our minds, make us become apathetic and only care about with all the egos that we have, without the care and think about others. and that's one thing that would drop us.
nothing wrong with a dream and desire but don't let it control our dreams and turned into an exaggerated ego. "so don't ever let your heart control your dreams and desires and develop into the ego."

so throw away is all the ego in us and let us grow up to be a simple man who is not filled with ego, imagine all the people can suppress his ego and live in the thoughts that are free from ego, there would be so much perfection here.
Being best man is not a man who has become the best human ego but with a simple human being, human being with simple minds who were free of ego ..

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